Typically a Road Safety Audit is needed as part of a Section 278 or Section 38 agreement with the local highway authority. We carry out Road Safety Audits on both Section 278 and Section 38 works at all stages of the design process (Stage 1&2 Road Safety Audit), post construction (Stage 3 Road Safety Audit), and the monitoring phase (Stage 4 Road Safety Audit).
For housing developments, a Stage 1 and Stage 2 Road Safety Audit will generally form part of the planning application. A Stage 3 Road Safety Audit will be carried out and submitted to the local highway authority prior to the issue of the commencement of the maintenance certificate.
We have a wealth of experience in carrying out Road Safety Audits for a large number of major house-builders on new housing developments throughout the UK. Developments can range from small single dwellings through to large housing estates. We have carried out over 2,000 audits on works ranging from simple priority access junctions and pedestrian crossings through to junction improvements, road widening, access roundabouts and signalised junctions.
Our clients includes: